The Floppy Disk Controller Board (FDC)

Acorn System FDC Floppy Disk Controller

"This Eurocard (100 x 160mm) connects to the standard Acorn bus and provides an interface to one or two disk drives. It is capable of controlling four drive surfaces on two double-sided drives. Single or double track density drives may be used.

The advanced 8271 controller integrated circuit is used to relieve the CPU of many tasks associated with disk control. The IBM 3740 soft sectored format (or its derivative for mini-floppies) is used.

The Acorn Disk Operating System (DOS) ROM provides comprehensive commands for controlling the drives.

A 34-way flat ribbon cable connects to the drives after the Shugart interface standard."




200.004 Issue 2 [3 System 3]

Acorn System FDC Floppy Disk Controller PCB Issue 2Acorn System FDC Floppy Disk Controller PCB Issue 2

200.004 Issue 3 [3 System 4]

Acorn System FDC Floppy Disk Controller PCB Issue 3Acorn System FDC Floppy Disk Controller PCB Issue 3

 200.004 Issue 4 [3 System 5]

Acorn System FDC Floppy Disk Controller PCB Issue 4Acorn System FDC Floppy Disk Controller PCB Issue 4


Data Sheets:

Replica Board:

Details of two replica boards can be found here:


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