FileStore E01E CPU Board

Replica Acorn FileStore CPU Board

This board includes the CPU, RAM, EPROM, RTC and Printer Port together with all the address decoding.

The CPU is a 65C102 running at 2MHz, I have added a Microchip MCP120 Microcontroller Supervisory Chip to generate system reset, there is provision for a front panel mounted reset switch via SK2c.

The EPROM is as the E01S, a single 27512 64K x 8-bits.  I have removed the DRAM memory and replaced it with a single 128k x 8-bit SRAM although only half is used, this simplified the circuit considerably and also makes it possible to fit it all on a standard sized (100x160mm) Eurocard.

Either the 'A' version or non 'A' version of the MC146818 RTC can be used (Issue 1.0 boards will require a link to tie pin 1 to 0V to use the 'A' version).  The RTC requires battery backup, the E01S used a plug-in 3.6V NiCd module, I have replaced this with a PCB mounted NiMH pack.  I have adjusted component values in the charging circuit to account for the different chemistry and added a 'boost' link, LK1, which enables a completely flat battery to be charged more quickly (this link should not be left fitted for longer than 8 hours to avoid damage to the battery).

The original NiCd circuit trickle charged at a nominal 15mA, the Varta 3.6V NiMH cell with a capacity of 150mAhr (CA) should be trickle charged at 0.03CA (4.5mA) and can be charged at a higher rate of 0.2CA (30mA) for up to 8 hours.

Access to the RTC is enabled by bit 3 of the FDC Latch (Acorn call it the 'Miscellaneous Function Latch'), as this is on the FDC Board I have had to replicate this bit of the latch using a spare 74HCT73 latch (IC6.1).

A spare Econet line driver (26LS30 IC28) was originally used to 'read' the door switch I have replaced this with a single gate 74VHC1GT125 (IC 28), the front panel mounted 'door switch' or FSMode switch is then connected to SK2b.

The E01S front panel (red) FS Mode LED is driven again by a bit of the FDC Latch on the FDC Board, I have routed this signal via the backplane to this board as it seemed more logical for it to be on the CPU front panel (via SK2a).

Address decoding is as the original E01S although gate reference numbers have had to be swapped a bit to enable PCB tracking etc.

Both the EPROM (IC7) and RAM (IC9) occupy the entire 64K memory space, although the page $FC00 will always access memory mapped I/O.  After reset a read will access the EPROM, a write will access the RAM.  Writing to the ROM latch (IC6) will switch out the EPROM so from then on all reads also come from the RAM (the EPROM cannot be switched back in other than via a reset).


Memory Mapped I/O


Address Range Function
$FC00 (- $FC03)  RTC Address Register
$FC04 (- $FC07) RTC Data Register
$FC08 (- $FC0B) FDC Latch (aka Miscellaneous Functions Latch)
reading this location will switch out the EPROM
writing updates the latch
$FC0C - FC0F Floppy Disk Controller (FDC)
$FC10 - $FC1F 6522 VIA (Printer Port)
$FC20 - $FC23 6854 Econet Interface
$FC24 (- $FC27) Econet Interrupt Disable
$FC28 (- $FC2B) Econet Interrupt Enable
$FC2C (- $FC2F) Floppy Drive Door Switch state (FSMode)
$FC30 - $FC33 SCSI Interface

Printer Port 6522 (IC31) Registers

Register Address Register Name Function
$FC11 IORA Input / Output Register A
$FC13 DDRA Data Direction Register A
 $FC14 T1CL Timer 1 Counter Low
$FC15 T1CH Timer 1 Counter High
$FC1B AUXCR Auxiliary Control Register
$FC1C PCR Peripheral Control Register
$FC1D IFR Interrupt Flag Register
$FC1E IER Interrupt Enable Register

RTC MC156818 (IC1) Registers

Registers $00 to $0D access the Real Time Clock, Registers $0E to $3F are non-volatile memory (battery backed-up)


Register Address Function
$00 seconds 0-59
$01 seconds alarm 0-59
$02 minutes 0-59
$03 minutes alarm 0-59
$04 hours 1-2 or 0-23
$05 hours alarm 1-2 or 0-23
$06 day of the week 1-7 (1=Sunday)
$07 date 1-31
$08 month
$09 year
$0A bit 0-3: Rate Selection bits (RS0-3), 0110=1024Hz
bits 4-6: clock DiVider bits (DV0-2), 010=32.768kHz
bit 7: Update In Progress (UIP), 1=busy
$0B bit 0: Daylight Saving Enable (DSE), 0=disabled
bit 1: 24/12, 1=24
bit 2: Data Mode (DM), 1=binary
bit 3: Square Wave output Enable (SQWE), 1=enabled
bit 4: Update-ended Interrupt Enable (UIE), 1=enabled
bit 5: Alarm Interrupt Enable (AIE), 0=disabled
bit 6: Periodic Interrupt Enable (PIE),0=disabled
bit 7: SET, 0=disabled
$0C bits 0-3: unused
bit 4: UF Update-ended Interrupt Flag
bit 5: AF Alarm Interrupt Flag
bit 6: PF Periodic Interrupt Flag
bit 7: IRQF Interrupt Request Flag
$0D bits 0-6: unused
bit 7: VRT Valid RAM and Time bit
$0E Server Station number
$0F  2's complement of Server Station number (used as a check)
$10-$13 Reserved for use by MOS
$20 on error - error code
$21  on error - X
$22 on error - Y
$23,$24 on error address (MSB,LSB)
$19-$1B on error - 24-bit SIN
$1C  maximum number of concurrent users (MAXUSERS)
$1D  the number of configured drives + 1 (MAXDRIVE)
$1E-$23 printer server name (up to 6 characters), if $30=0 disable
$24-$2E Maintenance Mode username
$2F check byte for maintenance username
$30 printer page feed, 0=o
$31 disables hard disk copyright check if not 0
$32-$3F  unused


Bill Of Materials

Front Panel

FileStore E01E CPU Front Panel


FileStore E01E CPU PCB


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