Replica 40x25 VDU (Teletext) Interface Board 

Replica 40x25 VDU (Teletext) Interface Board  Photo

Based on the issue 4 schematic and the layout from my own issue 3 board.

Preset R3 is adjusted to get a 6MHz clock at IC3 pin 8.

Note: this board will only compatible with a 1MHz CPU (either 6502 or 6502A Board) because the 6MHz clock is derived from a 1MHz Ø2 (it may be possible to tweak the VCO for 2MHz but I haven't tried).

No links need to be fitted or changed.

I have fitted a 6-pin DIN socket for the RGB output wired as per the BBC computer RGB socket.

Connections to J1 are then wired as follows:


Bill Of Materials

Front Panel Drilling

Blank PCB

Replica 40x25 VDU (Teletext) Interface Board  PCB


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